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Camp Aish

“Where the spark of one summer burns for a lifetime.”

The Programs at Camp Aish

Camp Aish

Camp Aish- A unique camping experience like none other. It’s not just the Torahdik Ruach, competitive sports, epic night activities, and exciting trips. It’s also a select group of campers and an exceptional staff of real Bnei Torah. Aish is more than just a camp. It’s a place where everyone leaves the summer with a sense of joy and accomplishment. Join the Aish family. Once you come, you’ll understand.
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Camp Aish Mesivta

Camp Aish Mesivta - An oasis for true Bnei Torah who want to maximize their Bein Hazmanim. Serious sedarim that are never compromised. High level sports and tournaments that are competed at the highest level. Rebbeim and night trips that help create a magical ruach of Aliya and a kesher that lasts a lifetime.
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Aish Mesivta Memories 2024


Camp Aish Summer 2024


Aish Mesivta Grand Sing 2024


Aish Mesivta Week Three 2024


Team Red Dance 2024


Team Blue Dance 2024


Our Head Staff

Rabbi Ari Schonfeld - Head Counselor Camp Aish

Rabbi Schonfeld has been a leader in the Torah camping world for 20 years. During the year he is the Menahel at Yeshiva Ketana of Manhattan. His energetic and warm personality has allowed him to impact his Talmidim and help them reach their potential.

Rabbi Chaim Metz - Rosh Mesivta Camp Aish Mesivta

Rabbi Metz learned in Yeshiva of Far Rockaway and Yeshiva of South Fallsburg. He is a Talmid Muvhak of Rav Yechiel Perr Shlit"a and Rav Moshe Brown Shlit”a, and enjoys a close relationship with his Rosh HaYeshiva, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel Shlit”a. For the past decade Rabbi Metz has been a highly successful ninth grade Rebbi at Yeshiva of Far Rockaway and the founder and director of Zimras Binyamin, an extremely impactful mentoring and chavrusa program in the Far Rockaway & 5 Towns community. He has directed summer programs for high school bochurim over the past summers.

Rabbi Avi Weller - Rosh Bais Medrash Camp Aish Mesivta

Rabbi Weller is currently the tenth grade Rebbe in Mesivta Birchas Yitzchak in Los Angeles. Upon completing Shas at a young age, Rabbi Weller continued his advancement in learning and has been recognized as a well-respected Posek and mechaber of seforim. He was the beloved tenth grade Rebbe in Yeshiva of Far Rockaway for many years where he impacted hundreds of bochurim. He is known for his creativity, dedication, and firm belief in every Talmid. Rabbi Weller has held leadership positions in camps in the Catskills and abroad.

Rabbi Tzvi Medetzky - Senior Division Head Camp Aish

Rabbi Medetzky brings decades of experience in chinuch and camping in the Yeshiva world. He is currently the sixth grade in Yeshiva Darchei Torah where his warmth and care for each Talmid is clear to all those around him.

Rabbi Pinny Fishelis - Learning Director Camp Aish

Rabbi Fishelis, a Talmud of Long Beach and the Mir Yerushalayim, Rabbi Fishelis is a beloved rebbe in YSV of Monsey. His passion for Torah and for Chinuch Habonim, along with his creative skills, is the perfect blend needed to lead a summer of learning.

Rabbi Gadi Fogel - Junior Division Head

Rabbi Fogel, is currently a Rebbi in Yeshiva Orchos Chaim in Lakewood. His sterling reputation as a Mechanech par excellence is only overshadowed by the care and concern he has for every talmid. Rabbi Fogel is no stranger in the camping world, as he has been a Junior Division for a decade in both Camp Agudah Toronto and in The Catskills where he has utilized his talents to ensure that every boy should have a wonderful camp experience as well as an aliyah in his ruchniyos.

Rabbi Dov Kenig - R"M Camp Aish Mesivta

Rabbi Dov Kenig is the well respected and beloved 9th grade Rebbi at his alma-mater, Yeshiva Darchei Torah. He also leads there the Kibbutz program for bochurim post ארץ ישראל in the afternoons. He is a Talmid of Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Brisk, BMG and a founding member of Kollel Netzach Yisroel. Rabbi Kenig brings his experience, both as a Rebbi in Mesivta Chaim Shlomo and Camp Oraysa and as a director of various summer programs to Camp Aish Mesivta.

Rabbi Yisroel Wenick - 7/8th Grade Division Head

Rabbi Wenick, an incredible 7th grade rebbe in Yeshiva Ketana of Passaic, brings a wealth of camp experience to Aish. He has been a learning director in the Catskills for many years and has run an incredibly successful travel camp for the last few summer. Rabbi Wenick is a Master mechanech and has the prefect blend of warmth and leadership skills needed to inspire budding Bnei Torah.

Rabbi Jonathan Kessel - Rebbe and Sports Director

Rabbi Kessel, a warm and devoted Rebbe in TABC, is joining our head staff as a Rebbe in the morning and Sports Director. He is the founder and director of PSL, a renowned sports league in Passaic. His professionalism is only overshadowed by his devotion and caring for each and every Talmid.

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